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來源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2022-11-18
In order to further improve the serviceability and utilization rate of maintenance machinery and equipment, make every effort to ensure that the machinery and equipment are always in good operation, improve the level of highway mechanized maintenance, and meet the needs of maintenance production. Jinan pavement machinery and equipment manufacturers suggest that maintenance machinery should be overhauled and maintained in many aspects.
First, detailed vehicle inspection and maintenance. The operation status and existing problems of various mechanical equipment shall be investigated in detail, and the repair and maintenance shall be carried out according to the actual conditions of the mechanical equipment. The repair and maintenance work shall always adhere to the principles of equipment failure statistics, planned repair and maintenance, maintenance process records, and acceptance after repair.
Second, strengthen the management of vehicles in winter. All maintenance machinery and equipment shall be checked for potential safety hazards, and immediately repaired if problems are found. The mechanical equipment temporarily parked shall be cleaned of water, the battery shall be charged regularly, the engine shall be started regularly, and the vehicles in place of maintenance shall be stored and managed in a centralized manner, so as to effectively prevent fire, frost and explosion.
Third, strengthen the management of emergency vehicles in winter. Focus on the maintenance and preventive maintenance of snow shovels and snow melting agent sprinklers, timely replace the lubricating oil, fasten the parts, sufficient batteries, and add enough fuel and antifreeze to ensure that the mechanical equipment is in a good technical state and can be used at any time in case of ice and snow emergencies.
Fourth, strengthen the management of safe operation. Actively organize drivers to learn about safety, learn from each other, and propose practical maintenance plans based on previous winter vehicle maintenance experience, require drivers to strictly abide by safety operation rules, improve safety production awareness, ensure safe use of mechanical equipment, and effectively improve emergency smooth ability.
The above is related to the maintenance of road machinery and equipment in winter in advance. I hope we can help you. More related content will come to our website http://guixin.net.cn Consult!
  • 上一條:瀝青砼施工過程中施工縫的處理
  • 下一條:瀝青混凝土路面工程質(zhì)量的檢測項(xiàng)目
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