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來(lái)源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2022-11-16
Asphalt concrete pavement is widely used in high-grade highway construction because of its comfortable driving and convenient maintenance. From the perspective of actual construction, there are still many problems worth discussing. Now let's talk about the treatment of construction joints during the asphalt concrete construction in Jinan.
In the preparation stage of asphalt concrete pavement construction, the quality inspection of raw materials should be the main content of quality control. At this stage, the selected asphalt, stone, sand and mineral powder shall be subject to quality inspection according to the specification requirements.
Coarse aggregate is composed of crushed stone of various specifications. During the work, the specification of crushed stone shall be determined according to the type of mixture used. Crushed stone shall be clean, dry, rough in surface, with sufficient strength and wear resistance, and shall have good particle shape close to regular hexahedron, and have good adhesion with asphalt.
Fine aggregate of asphalt concrete should be fine natural sand or machine-made sand. The fine aggregate should have good adhesion with asphalt. The machine-made sand or stone chips crushed with acid stone should not be used for the asphalt surface course of expressways and Class I highways. If necessary, effective measures should be taken.
The mineral powder shall be made of hydrophobic stone materials such as limestone or strong basic rock in magmatic rock by grinding.
(1) Longitudinal construction joint
The longitudinal joints for paving in echelon operation shall be hot joints. During construction, 10~20cm of the mixture paved first shall not be rolled temporarily as the elevation datum of the later paved part. The longitudinal joint shall be rolled immediately after the paving of the later part. The roller shall mostly roll on the paved and rolled road surface, and only 10~15cm shall be rolled on the newly paved road surface, and then gradually move the cross joint to roll to eliminate the seam.
When hot joint cannot be used for half width construction, the first half of the rolled part should be cut with a knife. Before paving the other half, the joint edge must be cleaned and the hot tack coat asphalt must be applied. During paving, it shall overlap the paved layer for 5~10cm. After paving, the mixture paved on the first half shall be removed manually. When rolling, first drive on the compacted pavement, roll the newly paved layer for 10-15cm, and then gradually move across the longitudinal joint to compact the longitudinal joint.
(2) Transverse construction joint
The transverse construction joint shall be perpendicular to the road centerline. The transverse joints of two adjacent panels and upper and lower layers shall be staggered for more than 1m. The upper layer of expressway and Class I highway shall adopt flat joint, and the surface layer, lower layer and all layers of other highways can adopt inclined joint. When paving the joints, some hot mixtures can be laid on the compacted part to make it warm and soften, so as to strengthen the bonding of new and old mixtures. However, the mixture for preheating shall be removed before rolling.
This is the end of the problem of construction joint treatment during asphalt concrete construction. The manufacturer reminds you to understand the relevant information in advance, whether purchasing or constructing, so as to achieve higher quality construction. Relevant content comes to us http://guixin.net.cn Consult!
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