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來源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2024-09-15


  Issues to be noted in the construction of water stable crushed stone:20210309061124723(1)(2)


  (1) The selection of plant mixing equipment directly affects the quality of the mixture mixing, and the key to the quality of the mixing equipment depends on whether the accuracy of the mix proportions of various materials such as aggregates, powders, and water can be guaranteed. For this section, WBC300 stabilized soil plant mixing equipment is selected. The device adopts an electromagnetic speed control system, which can ensure the mixing ratio of various materials, and mix evenly with stable performance.


  (2) Strictly controlling the dosage of cement is too small to ensure the construction quality of cement stabilized soil; However, excessive dosage is not only uneconomical, but also increases and widens the cracks in the base layer, thereby causing corresponding reflection cracks in the asphalt surface layer. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly control the amount of cement used, achieve economic rationality, and strive for excellence to ensure the quality of the project.


  (3) The moisture content of the mixture is controlled at the factory mixing site. The moisture content of various aggregates is measured daily by dedicated testing personnel in the back office in the morning, noon, and afternoon. Based on the optimal moisture content index designed according to the construction mix ratio, and combined with the temperature, humidity, and transportation distance of the day, the water consumption for mixing the mixture is determined. The dedicated testing personnel responsible for checking the compaction degree in the front field also timely measure the moisture content of the mixture during the paving and shaping process, command the roller to roll in a timely manner, strive to roll under the optimal moisture content conditions, and try to avoid phenomena such as "elasticity" and "waves" due to excessive moisture content, which may affect the density and strength of the mixture, increase the drying shrinkage of the mixture, and make the structural layer prone to drying shrinkage cracks; Or due to the low moisture content, the mixture is prone to looseness and difficult to roll into shape, which can also affect the density and strength that the mixture may achieve. So only by strictly following the standards of construction and strengthening the quality control of each construction process can the construction quality be guaranteed.

 ?。?)減少混合料的離析混合料的運輸應避免車輛的顛簸。在氣溫較高、運距較遠時要加蓋氈布,以防止水分過分損失。攤鋪、碾壓時,攤鋪系數(shù)1.3∽1.5之間(正常速度下英格索蘭攤鋪機為1.3、徐工攤鋪機為1.5、且攤鋪系數(shù)與攤鋪機的行使速度也有關),施工中必須貫徹“寧高勿低、寧刮勿補”的原則, 全部施工工程力爭在水泥終凝時間前完成。碾壓完畢立即做密實度試驗,若試驗結(jié)果達不到標準重新進行碾壓。

  (4) Reduce the segregation of the mixture. The transportation of the mixture should avoid vehicle bumps. When the temperature is high and the transportation distance is far, it is necessary to cover it with felt cloth to prevent excessive loss of moisture. When paving and rolling, the paving coefficient should be between 1.3 and 1.5 (1.3 for Ingersoll Rand pavers and 1.5 for XCMG pavers at normal speeds, and the paving coefficient is also related to the speed of the pavers). During construction, the principle of "better high than low, better scraping than repairing" must be implemented, and all construction projects should be completed before the final setting time of cement. Immediately conduct a compaction test after compaction is completed, and if the test results do not meet the standards, re compact.


  (5) There are two types of joint treatment for mixed material paving: longitudinal joint and transverse joint. When the width of the paving machine is sufficient, there is no longitudinal joint problem during the entire paving process. When the paving width of the paver is insufficient, two pavers are used, one in front and one behind, to synchronously spread the mixture forward and roll it together, which can also avoid longitudinal joints. Due to the large number of structures in this section, it is generally considered as one construction section between two structures to avoid transverse joints. If there are special circumstances, transverse joints need to be set up. The treatment method is to remove the uncompacted mixture near and below the paver, excavate the end that has been compacted and meets the requirements for elevation and flatness into a transverse vertical downward section, and return the paver to the end of the compacted layer. Use wooden pads to cushion to the virtual paving height, then spread new mixture, and continue with the next step of construction.

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