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來源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2022-11-23
Do you know what information is included in the inspection items of asphalt concrete pavement engineering quality? In fact, most people have never known about this. Now, Jinan asphalt concrete manufacturer will give you some answers.
1. Subgrade: compactness (inspection method: water filling method, sand filling method or circular knife method; inspection frequency: 3 points per 1000 square meters for each compacted layer); Road deflection (inspection method: deflectometer detection; inspection frequency: 1 point per 20 m per lane);
2. Base course: quality inspection of raw materials (inspection method: check the inspection report and re inspection; inspection frequency: check each batch according to different materials' arrival batches); Compactness (inspection method: water filling method, sand filling method; inspection frequency: 3 points per 1000 square meters for each compacted layer); 7d unconfined compressive strength of base and subbase test pieces (inspection method: on-site sampling test; inspection frequency: 1 group (6 pieces) per 2000 square meters); Road deflection (inspection method: deflectometer detection; inspection frequency: 1 point per 20 m per lane);
3. Asphalt surface course:
Quality inspection of raw materials (asphalt: inspection method: check the factory's "certificate of conformity" and "inspection report" and conduct re inspection on the site; inspection frequency: spot check each batch of asphalt (petroleum asphalt every 100t is a batch, modified asphalt every 50t is a batch) delivered by the same manufacturer, the same variety, the same grade and the same batch number;
Coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, mineral powder, fiber stabilizer, etc. used for asphalt mixture: inspection method: observe and check the mobilization inspection report; Inspection frequency: determined according to the incoming batches of different varieties of products and product sampling inspection);
Asphalt mixture: inspection method: temperature measurement; Inspection frequency: full inspection); Marshall test of asphalt mixture: (inspection method: on-site sampling test; inspection frequency: once a day for each type);
Compactness (inspection method: Marshall test; inspection frequency: 1 point per 1000 square meters);
Thickness of surface course: (inspection method: drilling or digging; inspection frequency: 1 spot for every 1000 square meters); Road deflection (inspection method: deflectometer detection; inspection frequency: 1 point per 20 m per lane).
This is the end of the inspection items related to the quality of asphalt concrete pavement works. If you have any doubts about this, you can come to our website at any time http://guixin.net.cn consulting service
  • 上一條:提前做好冬季路面機(jī)械設(shè)備維修保養(yǎng)工作
  • 下一條:挖掘機(jī)工作無力主要有兩點(diǎn)原因
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