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來源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2022-10-12
The weather is getting colder, and the low temperature always makes the machine more vulnerable and more prone to failure. In order to ensure the safety of operators and the smooth use of equipment, you should understand these common sense, which is explained by the Jinan excavator rental manufacturer.
1. Excavators are fixed assets with large economic investment. To achieve greater economic benefits for their service life, the equipment must be equipped with specific personnel, machines and posts, and responsibilities must be defined. Equipment disclosure shall be carried out when post adjustment is required.
2. After the excavator construction site, the driver should first observe the geology of the working face and the surrounding environment. There should be no obstacles within the rotation radius of the excavator to avoid scratches or damage to vehicles.
3. After the machine is started, no one is allowed to stand in the bucket, on the shovel arm and on the track to ensure safe production.
4. During the operation of the excavator, no person is allowed to stay or walk within the radius of gyration or under the bucket. Non drivers are not allowed to move around the cab and do not bring training drivers to avoid damage to electrical equipment.
5. When the excavator is moving, the driver shall observe and whistle first, and then move to avoid safety accidents caused by people near the machinery. The position after moving shall ensure that the space of the excavator's rotation radius is free of any obstacles, and operation is strictly prohibited.
6. After the work is completed, move the excavator away from the low-lying place or the edge of the trench (trench), stop on the ground, close the doors and windows and lock them.
7. The driver must do a good job in the daily maintenance, overhaul and repair of the equipment, make daily records in the use of the equipment, find the vehicle has problems and cannot operate with diseases, and timely report to repair.
8. The cab must be clean and tidy, and the body surface must be clean, free of dust and oil stain; Develop the habit of cleaning the car after work.
9. The driver shall make daily shift records in a timely manner, make statistics on the work content of the day, handle formalities for odd jobs or items outside the project in a timely manner, and make records for use in settlement.
10. Drivers are strictly prohibited from drinking at noon and driving after drinking during work. If found, economic punishment will be given, and the economic losses caused will be borne by the driver.
Xiaobian reminds you that the excavator must be inspected regularly, maintained in time and operated properly to prevent accidents. Follow us http://guixin.net.cn , take you to learn more about relevant matters!
  • 上一條:水穩(wěn)碎石強度形成及對材料的技術(shù)要求
  • 下一條:如何選擇正確的道路瀝青
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