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來(lái)源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2022-10-07
With the development of high-grade highways and the continuous progress of highway engineering construction materials, cement stabilized macadam, as the semi-rigid pavement base, is more and more widely used. As the hydraulic binder of the bearing layer, it is particularly important. Next, Jinan water stabilized macadam manufacturer will talk about the strength formation of water stabilized macadam and the technical requirements for materials.
Formation of water stabilized macadam strength:
Cement stabilized macadam is made of graded macadam as aggregate, and a certain amount of cementitious material and sufficient mortar volume are used to fill the gap. After forming the slab, it has high strength, water stability, impermeability and frost resistance.
As a kind of cement stabilized soil, water stabilized macadam is widely used with its remarkable advantages. The good mix of coarse and fine aggregates makes the water stabilized macadam a skeleton dense structure.
Technical requirements for materials of water stabilized macadam:
The cement dosage is the key factor affecting the strength. The cement dosage varies from several MPa to tens of MPa. As an inorganic binder aggregate, the reasonable cement dosage under the condition of meeting the strength is not only beneficial to the economic benefit but also to the project. The cement consumption is generally 3%~7% of the mixture.
Water stability is mainly to study the water stabilized macadam under the unfavorable condition of saturated water and judge that it has sufficient strength. It has been checked in the 7-day unconfined strength test. Lime fly ash granular material and cement granular material in the base material have good water stability.
Erosion resistance: due to the infiltration of surface water, the accumulated water on the surface of the base course is easy to erode, causing pavement diseases, such as grout pumping, pits, etc. For the same stable granular material, its scouring degree decreases with the increase of cement dosage, and the anti scouring ability is greatly improved when the cement dosage is above 4% - 5%.
Therefore, in the selection of raw materials, the content of fine aggregate particles less than 0.075mm shall be strictly controlled and a suitable cement dosage shall be selected to improve the quality of highway base course.
Through the formation of the strength of water stabilized macadam and the understanding of the content of the technical requirements for materials, it is necessary to improve the quality of water stabilized macadam base in terms of materials, structure and construction technology, reduce the diseases generated in the construction of cement stabilized macadam, and avoid early damage caused by human factors. Follow us http://guixin.net.cn , learn more!
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