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來源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2022-10-17
Road asphalt engineering is mainly used as a binder for pavement and roofing materials. In practical application, how to choose the right road asphalt? Next, Jinan asphalt manufacturer will explain to you.
In the current highway pavement design, asphalt pavement is a pavement type with a wide range of applications. Asphalt pavement is a mixture composed of aggregates, mineral powder materials and asphalt binders in a certain proportion. It has strong impermeability, durability and damage resistance, and can effectively prevent pavement damage caused by natural factors and vehicle loads.
Asphalt pavement can be divided into asphalt concrete pavement, asphalt stabilized macadam pavement, drainage asphalt pavement, coal tar asphalt pavement, natural asphalt pavement and residual oil pavement. In specific construction design, there are many forms to choose.
Different types of asphalt pavement are applicable to different highway grades and construction technologies. At present, asphalt concrete pavement and asphalt stabilized macadam pavement are commonly used in highway pavement engineering. The designer shall reasonably select the asphalt pavement form according to the highway grade requirements and the construction conditions on the project site, and indicate the construction precautions.
Based on the primer, the hot asphalt is prepared according to the strengthening structure and design process requirements. Scope of application: asphalt, as the surface material, is transmitted to the asphalt material below by power in expressways, cement roads, asphalt pavement slopes, grasslands and garbage roads. It is mainly used for asphalt pavement with proper thickness to prevent asbestos color.
Our factory focuses on the construction of asphalt pavement and colored asphalt pavement for various residential areas, factories, municipal roads, plant development areas, playgrounds, schools, indoor and outdoor parking lots, and the construction of asphalt pavement and colored asphalt pavement for municipal roads. You can come to us anytime you need http://guixin.net.cn Contact here!
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