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來源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2022-10-04
The purpose of the maintenance of the excavator is to reduce the operating cost. Only good management of gasoline, diesel, grease, water and gas can reduce 70% of the common failures. In fact, 70% of the common failures are caused by oversight. Next, Jinan excavator leasing manufacturer will talk about the management method of excavator oil.
1. Management method of diesel oil.
Diesel engines of different models shall be used according to different ambient temperatures. Diesel oil shall not penetrate into residues, plain soil and water, or the high-pressure oil pump will be damaged early. The proportion of paraffin and sulfur in fake gasoline is high, which will harm the excavator engine. After the excavator works every day, the fuel tank shall be full of gasoline and diesel to avoid water droplets inside the oil tank.
Open the water drain valve at the bottom of the oil tank to add water before working every day. After the excavator engine runs out of natural materials or the filter element is replaced, the gas in the pipeline must be discharged. The ambient temperature of A is 0 ℃ - 10 ℃ - 20 ℃ - 30 ℃.
2. Other oil management methods.
Other oils include engine oil, gear oil, engine oil, etc. Oils of different models and grades shall not be mixed, and additives with oxidation or physical effects added to different types of excavator oils during production shall be different, so oil cleaning shall be ensured.
The excavator shall be repaired to avoid the infiltration of dirt (water, smoke, particles, etc.). The model of oil shall be selected according to the ambient temperature and main use. For high ambient temperature, the excavator oil with high viscosity shall be used. For low ambient temperature, the excavator oil with low viscosity shall be used. The viscosity of oil is relatively large to blend into the larger transmission system load. The viscosity of gear oil is relatively small to reduce the liquid fluidity friction resistance.
Do a good job in the maintenance of the excavator, reduce the common faults of the equipment, increase the service life of the equipment, reduce the shutdown time rate of the equipment, and better use it. More relevant matters can be found on our website http://guixin.net.cn Consult!
  • 上一條:路面機(jī)械設(shè)備的維護(hù)與保養(yǎng)
  • 下一條:水穩(wěn)碎石強(qiáng)度形成及對材料的技術(shù)要求
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