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來(lái)源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2022-09-30
Jinan pavement mechanical equipment has a certain maintenance period in the process of daily use. Regular maintenance is conducive to extending the service life of the equipment, facilitating the smooth use of pavement workers, and saving maintenance costs.
However, different maintenance cycles can be set according to the service life of the vehicle. The maintenance cycle of new cars is relatively long, but with the service life getting longer and longer, the maintenance cycle is getting shorter and shorter. Because the car just bought does not need to be repaired for a period of time, and the aging of vehicle parts is getting worse as the time goes on. Timely maintenance is required to ensure the normal use of the car.
In our daily use, it is easy to have problems such as vehicle exhaust oil leakage, high engine noise, etc. Therefore, we sometimes need to return to the factory or go to the maintenance station for maintenance, but we should try our best to avoid the situation of overall disassembly, because in the maintenance process, intact parts are easy to be damaged in the transportation process. We can use the existing science and technology to detect the cause of the disease and prescribe the right medicine, Restore the normal use of machinery and equipment while saving maintenance costs and avoiding the situation of re maintenance.
Secondly, we should choose the fuel suitable for the machine to avoid the stalling of the road machinery cleaning the road due to the blockage of the fuel filter. The damage of fuel injection equipment, on the one hand, makes the engine unable to work normally, on the other hand, increases the cost of fuel consumption, which is what operators do not want to see.
Therefore, when choosing materials, we must be careful not to cause damage to the vehicle due to greed for small and cheap, and pay more for maintenance.
Take lubricating oil as an example. Different brands represent different grades and qualities. Make appropriate choices according to the manufacturer's suggestions and prices. More relevant precautions come to our website http://guixin.net.cn Ask about it!
  • 上一條:水泥穩(wěn)定碎石施工采用什么施工工藝
  • 下一條:挖掘機(jī)保養(yǎng)之用油的管理方法
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