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來源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2022-09-30
What construction technology is used in Jinan cement stabilized macadam construction? In fact, the construction technology of commercial water stabilization (premix), mechanical paving and roller rolling will be adopted. Let's talk about it in detail:
1. Basic requirements for raw materials Ordinary Portland cement, slag Portland cement and pozzolanic Portland cement can be used for the construction of cement stabilized macadam pavement base. Fast hardening cement, early strength cement and other cement deteriorated by external influence are prohibited.
Cement with lower strength grade should be used for pavement base course; The strength and stability of cement at each age shall meet the corresponding index requirements; The initial setting time of cement shall be more than 3 hours and the final setting time shall not be less than 6 hours.
2. Preparation before construction of cement stabilized macadam
① The lower bearing layer of the cement stabilized macadam base course of this project is the cement stabilized soil base course. The cement stabilized macadam can only be paved after the cement stabilized soil reaches the specified strength, flatness, camber, etc.
② Restore the center line. One pile shall be set every 10~15m, and the paving width shall be marked with an indicator pile.
③ Carry out level measurement. Set 3 indicator piles (i.e. center pile, left side pile and right side pile) on each section, and mark the loose paving thickness and design elevation of cement stabilized macadam base with obvious marks.
④ Shoulder training. In order to reduce the lateral displacement of cement stabilized macadam mixture during rolling and ensure the compactness of cement stabilized macadam, shoulder training measures are taken. The width of the upper opening of the shoulder is 50cm and the width of the lower opening is 70cm. The height is not less than the compacted thickness of cement stabilized macadam. To ensure drainage in rainy days, temporary drainage ditches can be excavated every 5-10m.
⑤ Before construction, detailed planning and arrangement shall be made to minimize transverse joints and avoid longitudinal joints.
What construction technology is used for cement stabilized macadam construction? The above is the answer to the question. If you have any ideas or questions, please come to our website http://guixin.net.cn consulting service
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