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來源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2022-09-24
In fact, for cars, the main thing is the road. After all, how can I drive without a road car? Right? So have you carefully observed the roads close to cars? What is it like? What is it constructed from? Jinan asphalt manufacturer will explain to you.
In the past, most roads were cement roads. Nowadays, many of them are transformed into asphalt pavement. During this transformation, it will cause a lot of inconvenience to people's travel, and some people will not like the taste and complain, so they will also hear various criticisms: What is asphalt? Isn't the cement road very good? Why should cement roads be reconstructed? What's the purpose? What are the benefits of asphalt roads? Don't worry. Now let's make up for you to answer carefully. I've seen a lot today
First of all, let's learn about asphalt pavement. Asphalt pavement is mainly made of asphalt materials, supplemented by coarse aggregate and fine aggregate. Among asphalt materials, they can be divided into coal coke, petroleum and natural materials. Coal tar pitch is the substance left in the container after burning; Petroleum asphalt is the residue of crude oil distillation;
Natural asphalt generally exists underground, stored in mines or underground. There are one, two or three grades of asphalt, the first grade is better, the second grade is second, and the third grade is poor. The grade of asphalt used depends on the situation of the road. Generally speaking, the grade used for road construction is poor, the grade used for provincial construction is inferior, and the grade used is good.
If the road is to be built, most of them will be coal tar asphalt and petroleum asphalt, because these are the leftovers and are relatively cheap. After all, it's road building. It's unnecessary to use such advanced skills.
Secondly, asphalt pavement has too many benefits. Its bearing capacity is strong enough to bear well when the weight of vehicles acts on the pavement; Its plasticity is very strong. When the vehicle is too heavy to bear, it can be deformed; It can ensure more safe vehicle operation; He can reduce the noise.
With asphalt pavement, our environment will be more quiet; With asphalt pavement, our use of cars will be safer; With asphalt pavement, our cars will last longer. Come to our website for more information http://guixin.net.cn Consult and understand!
  • 上一條:攤鋪機(jī)使用施工中的注意事項(xiàng)
  • 下一條:水泥穩(wěn)定碎石施工采用什么施工工藝
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