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來源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2022-08-10
In recent years, the industry of domestic excavator leasing companies has been very popular. For various reasons, customers can not distinguish the advantages and disadvantages, and can not see the market situation. Here, Jinan excavator leasing manufacturers combine their experience. Today, they will introduce to you what should be paid attention to in excavator leasing.
Foresee the leasing environment.
We should have a vision of the surrounding rental environment. We should not only see the current prosperity, but also pay no attention to the future market. As a long-term investment project, brothers who want to enter this industry must have a long-term vision and do not blindly follow the trend.
Buy excavator brand.
Pure imported machinery is recommended in case of abundant funds. Although pure imported machinery is more expensive, they are really durable. Of course, domestic brands also have good quality. It is recommended that you choose after comparison. Under the condition of general funds, the national machinery is recommended. Although the national machinery is not as good as the pure imported machinery, it has considerable advantages over the domestic vehicles.
Purchase excavator tonnage.
1. If your leasing object is mainly large-scale earthwork, it is recommended to purchase excavators of more than 30 tons. This kind of mechanical bucket has large capacity and fast loading speed.
2. If your rental object is mainly construction site and road construction, it is recommended to purchase excavators of less than 30 tons and more than 20 tons. The mechanical bucket has moderate capacity, small body, convenient transfer and strong adaptability. It can handle the size of earth and rock.
3. If your rental object is mainly municipal construction and urban construction, it is recommended to purchase an excavator with low fuel consumption, small body and convenient transportation of less than 10 tons.
Prepare excavator before purchase.
1. After the brand of excavator is determined, you can go to the exhibition hall to select the machine. After selecting your favorite vehicle, you can remember the information on the nameplate for comparison when picking up the vehicle.
2. Information preparation: ① ID card ② household registration book ③ marriage certificate (if you are unmarried, you can go to the local police station to issue an unmarried certificate) ④ asset Certificate (if not, you can consider increasing the down payment) ⑤ income certificate (if not, the agent can find a way). If you purchase in full, you only need to issue your ID card and account book.
3. In order to prepare funds, customers who buy cars with loans should prepare as many mortgage loans for 1-2 months as possible. The initial mortgage loan can establish a good reputation in the bank, which is very beneficial to the future development.
Sign the contract.
1. Customers who buy cars with loans should pay attention to whether your contract is a financing contract or a purchase contract. If the marriage certificate is provided in the data, both husband and wife need to be present. Thus, the contract signed is legal and complete.
2. For customers who purchase in full, please pay attention to the "Three Guarantees" details marked in the contract.
Collect the car.
1. Compare whether the information on the nameplate is the same as the information registered before. If not, it is better to find an agent.
2. Check whether the information submitted by the agent to you is complete, which should include: Three Guarantees quality commitment, purchase contract, purchase invoice, key, purchase contract of loan purchase customer may take 1-2 months to obtain, and there is a notarization period.
The above are the problems that Jinan excavator leasing company needs to pay attention to, and take strategies in advance to avoid entering the pit. For more information, please visit our website http://guixin.net.cn Let's see.
  • 上一條:公路養(yǎng)護(hù)機(jī)械設(shè)備故障產(chǎn)生因素
  • 下一條:攤鋪機(jī)出租之后施工中的注意事項
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