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來源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2022-08-19
Before the construction of the paver, a series of inspections should be carried out to ensure that the large-scale pavement machinery and equipment are free of problems before the normal operation. What special technical requirements do we need to have during the operation of the paver? Let's follow the Jinan paver rental manufacturer to see the precautions in construction after renting the paver:
(1) According to the strict requirements of construction, reasonably determine the working speed, paving width, paving thickness, speed of scraper conveyor and spiral distributor, opening of bucket door and other technical parameters of the paver after leasing.
(2) For the asphalt mixture paver driven by machinery, the gear shift must be carried out when the paver is completely stopped, and it is strictly prohibited to shift with force.
(3) When preparing for unloading, the pushing wheel of the paver shall be close to the rear wheel of the dump truck, and the dump truck shall be in neutral. The paver pushes two at the same time.
(4) All components and systems of the paver shall be timely coordinated and corrected when necessary. The operation speed shall be stable, and the number of shutdown and startup shall be minimized to maintain the continuous and balanced operation of the equipment.
(5) It is strictly prohibited for operators to leave the bridge during equipment operation. Irrelevant personnel are not allowed to get on and off the equipment or stay on the bridge during operation.
(6) If the paver is running after transfer, it is prohibited to shift gears on the slope or slide down the slope in neutral. Preheat the screed 20-40min before paving to make it close to the paving temperature of asphalt mixture; When the operation is suspended for some reason, the preheating system shall be used for thermal insulation to prevent the screed from cooling; When preheating with electricity, start the engine first.
In addition, many construction machinery and equipment will be leased by large-scale regular companies. When we choose the paver equipment company, we must compare with each other and sign the corresponding lease contract. The main purpose is to understand the general situation of the concrete paver equipment, the degree of use, whether there is serious damage, the lease term, and the rental charges. All these should be understood in advance. For more information, please visit our website http://guixin.net.cn Consult and understand!
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