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來源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2022-08-05
Machinery and equipment play an important role in road maintenance, so we need to pay attention to their maintenance and maintenance. For the problems in maintenance and maintenance management, let's take a look.
In the process of putting the mechanical equipment into use, with the passage of working time, it will have a great impact on various internal and external factors, especially the pressure effect in various aspects, which will have a great impact on all parts and components. It is necessary to review and determine the parameters of the device and the whole equipment.
For these peripheral energy media, it is necessary to replace the specific operation of the internal organization of the equipment. In the process of transmission, the residual internal stress of the content required for transmission should be accommodated for the capability body itself.
The energy body includes mechanical energy. In dealing with the retention of the internal stress form of these parts, for the internal and deformation problems of the whole part, it is necessary to detect its internal structure to ensure that its chemical structure is not eroded by the external structure.
The fault factors of mechanical equipment and the influence of external force factors are mainly concentrated on the structure of energy equipment, which usually will not cause too much change to its overall structure due to the action of external forces. These energy may cause certain deformation, wear and fracture of the external structure under long-term action. As long as timely troubleshooting is done, the impact on the overall machinery can usually be eliminated.
In addition, some user units have not paid enough attention to the maintenance, protection and management of highway maintenance machinery and equipment, and the management concept is old, so they still use the traditional method for the maintenance of machinery and equipment. With the continuous development of highway construction in China, the number and mileage of highways are increasing, and the traditional maintenance method can not meet the needs of contemporary highway maintenance because of its lack of versatility and accuracy
Due to insufficient attention, some users only pay attention to the use of machinery, but fail to invest sufficient operating costs in the maintenance of mechanical equipment, especially for the maintenance of small mechanical equipment, which is more easily ignored.
Jinan pavement machinery and equipment manufacturers suggest that corresponding measures should be taken to solve the problem in time, so as to improve the repair and maintenance quality of machinery and equipment, so as to better carry out highway maintenance. Come to our website for more relevant content http://guixin.net.cn Consult and understand.
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