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來(lái)源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2022-06-13
There are certain differences in their cement content, use, strength and requirements for gravel grade. The cement content of water stability will be relatively small, and the crushed stone is proportioned by the cement consolidation level. Although the strength will be relatively low, it has a certain flexibility. The cement content of concrete will be more, and the strength is also high. It also contains the composition of natural sand.
In various construction projects, we can see a variety of building materials, of which water stability and concrete are the more common. However, many people do not know much about these two materials, so it is easy to confuse them.
There are certain differences in their cement content, use, strength and requirements for gravel grade. The cement content of water stability will be relatively small, and the crushed stone is proportioned by the cement consolidation level. Although the strength will be relatively low, it has a certain flexibility. The cement content of concrete will be more, and the strength is also high. It also contains the composition of natural sand.
Attention shall also be paid to precautions for water stability construction. For example, mixing equipment is very important for water stability construction, which is directly related to the quality of mixture after mixing. However, for this kind of equipment, it mainly depends on the accuracy of material proportioning in terms of aggregate and water. Therefore, appropriate equipment must be purchased before construction, so that the mixing can be uniform and the performance will be more stable after use.
During the construction of water stability, attention shall also be paid to the cement dosage, which shall not be too much or too little. Too little dose will affect the construction quality, but too much dose will not only cause economic losses, but also cause cracks in the base course after construction. Therefore, this amount must be strictly controlled during construction. The cement amount shall be economical and reasonable as far as possible to ensure the quality of the project.
Jinan water stable concrete believes that attention should be paid to controlling the water content of the mixture during the water stable construction. For the mixture, it is necessary to have full-time personnel to measure its water content regularly, and to measure it by installing the water stable construction ratio. At the same time, it is also necessary to determine the water content according to the site temperature, humidity and other specific conditions.
I hope the above explanations can help you. For more information, please continue to follow our website www.ycgjglcl Com!
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  • 下一條:防水瀝青材料的種類講解四種
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