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來(lái)源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2022-06-17
1. Cold base oil
Cold primer oil is often used as the bottom layer of waterproof layer, and the construction method of spraying or painting is adopted. Generally, the construction shall be carried out after the base surface is completely dry. The coating shall also be thin and uniform without any blank. If the surface of the leveling layer is too rough, a layer of fast volatile cold primer oil shall be applied first, and the second layer of cold primer oil shall be applied after drying. The interval between two layers of cold primer oil is generally about 4~6h. Please press the surface of cold primer oil with your fingers without leaving any traces.
2. Emulsified asphalt waterproof coating
It has certain waterproof and corrosion resistance. Due to the limitation of asphalt performance, emulsified asphalt waterproof coating has short service life and poor properties such as strength, low-temperature flexibility and heat resistance. It is suitable for the construction of waterproof layers of industrial and civil buildings with sub and IV waterproof grades, toilet and bathroom, and a damp proof and anti-corrosion coating under the ground. It is a cheap and low-grade waterproof coating. Therefore, the production and application of emulsified asphalt waterproof coating are gradually decreasing.
3. Lime emulsified asphalt waterproof coating
It is a kind of cold asphalt suspension lotion with asphalt as base material, lime as dispersant and asbestos wool as filling material. After the lime emulsified asphalt is paved on the base course, due to the evaporation of water, the internal structure of the suspension is redistributed, and the dispersed very fine asphalt particles, lime and asbestos wool are squeezed and wrapped with each other. The asphalt condenses into a film. Generally, lime will form a very uniform honeycomb skeleton in the asphalt and become a waterproof layer with high heat resistance and good aging resistance. It has the advantages of good weather and temperature resistance, can be constructed on the wet base surface, good bonding performance with the base, non-toxic, pollution-free, simple and convenient construction, and is widely used in waterproof projects such as basement, toilet, kitchen, roof, highway, bridge, etc.
4. Waterborne asphalt based waterproof coating
Jinan asphalt manufacturer reminds that water-based asphalt based waterproof coating is a polymer modified asphalt waterproof coating prepared by modifying asphalt with a variety of rubbers. It can be divided into water-based asphalt based thick waterproof coating and water-based asphalt based thin waterproof coating according to the difference of emulsifier, finished product appearance and construction process.
(1) Water borne asphalt based thick waterproof asphalt coating (AE-1) is divided into water-borne asbestos asphalt waterproof coating (ae--1-a), bentonite asphalt lotion (ae-1--b) and lime emulsified asphalt (ae--1-c) according to the different mineral emulsifiers used.
(2) Water borne asphalt based thin waterproof asphalt coating (ae--2) is divided into polyurethane latex asphalt (ae--2-a) according to different chemical emulsifiers Water emulsion reclaimed rubber asphalt coating (ae-2-b) and an emulsified asphalt prepared with chemical emulsifier (ae--2-c).
The above is the relevant content about the problem shared for you today. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more, you can contact us by phone or follow our website http://guixin.net.cn 。
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