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來源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2022-06-08
Excavators must be familiar to everyone. This kind of machine can often be seen on construction sites and has a wide range of applications. However, the excavator is a complex machine after all, and improper use can easily lead to certain dangers, so the excavator driver should keep in mind the precautions. Let's talk about nine points.
1. Excavators are fixed assets with large economic investment. In order to increase its service life and obtain great economic benefits, the equipment must be allocated with personnel, machines, posts and responsibilities. When it is necessary to transfer posts, the equipment shall be disclosed.
2. After the excavator enters the construction site, the driver shall first observe the geology of the working face and the surrounding environment. There should be no obstacles within the turning radius of the excavator to avoid scratching or damaging the vehicle.
3. Jinan excavator leasing manufacturer believes that after the machine is started, no one is allowed to stand in the bucket, shovel arm and track to ensure safe production.
4. During the operation of the excavator, no one is allowed to stay or walk within the turning radius or under the bucket. Non drivers are not allowed to enter the cab for tampering, and drivers are not allowed to be trained to avoid damaging electrical equipment.
5. When the excavator is moved, the driver should first observe and whistle before moving, so as to avoid safety accidents caused by someone on the side of the machine. The position after relocation shall ensure that the space within the turning radius of the excavator is free of any obstacles, and illegal operation is strictly prohibited
6. After the work is completed, the excavator shall be moved away from the low-lying place or ditch (ditch) edge, stopped on the flat ground, and the doors and windows shall be closed and locked.
7. Jinan excavator leasing manufacturer believes that the driver must do a good job in the daily maintenance, repair and maintenance of the equipment, make daily records of the equipment in use, and report for repair in time if there is a problem with the vehicle and it cannot be operated with a disease.
8. The cab must be clean and tidy, and the body surface should be kept clean without dust and oil stain; Form the habit of cleaning excavators after work.
9. The driver shall make daily shift records in a timely manner, count the work content of the day, handle the formalities for part-time or zero project outside the project in a timely manner, and make account settlement records.
The above describes the relevant contents of the excavator operators to do these things. If you are interested in excavators or need to buy and rent, please pay attention to our website www.ycgjglcl Com contact us!
  • 上一條:關(guān)于水泥穩(wěn)定碎石的四個小問題解答
  • 下一條:水穩(wěn)和混凝土有明顯的區(qū)別
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