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來源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2022-05-13
Now it is a hot season, with high temperature, much rain and humid air, which has brought many difficulties to mechanical construction. When the leased roller works in this project, the high temperature will make it difficult for the cooling system to dissipate heat, and the engine is easy to overheat. When the engine temperature is high, it is easy to produce deflagration, so that the engine does not work smoothly and the power is reduced.
The experimental results show that when the engine temperature exceeds 30 ℃, the engine power will decrease by about 3% for every 20 ℃ increase in the working temperature. Small rollers often operate at 50 ° C, which means that the engine power is reduced by about 4%. High temperature reduces the viscosity of lubricating oil, which is not easy to form lubricating oil film and reduce the lubrication effect.
Under the condition of high temperature, the antioxidant stability of lubricating oil decreases sharply, which directly leads to the deterioration of lubricating oil, so that the colloid and sediment of lubricating oil adhere to the surface of piston, cylinder wall and other parts, and the thermal conductivity decreases, aggravating the deterioration of lubricating oil. Wear on components.
The reduction of the working oil quality of the roller under high temperature is easy to cause external leakage and internal leakage, so as to reduce the efficiency of the hydraulic transmission shaft system and weaken the hydraulic transmission shaft.
The key to overheating of drum engine is to strengthen the maintenance of cooling system. Frequently check and tighten the fan belt, timely clean the dust on the radiator and strengthen the ventilation of the radiator. For water-cooled engines, the radiator and water jacket can also be flushed with water in the direction opposite to the normal cycle of the cooling system.
Please be reminded not to expose non working vehicles to the sun. Drum cooling. This is very important. We know that the shell of the roller is full of oil, which is very dangerous in summer, and the tire is easy to burst after exposure to the sun. To ensure the safety of the vehicle, do not expose the machine to the sun.
Generally, the working place of the roller is relatively open, and there is no shady place in summer, but such long-term exposure to the outside sun is very unfavorable to the vehicle itself and will shorten the service life of the vehicle. Jinan roller rental manufacturer reminds you that when the roller works in a high temperature environment, you should pay attention to the maintenance of the roller and take protective measures in time.
That's all for the operation instructions of road roller in high temperature environment. If you need the equipment, please follow our website at guixin.net.cn Com for more information.
  • 上一條:挖掘機(jī)全車無力動(dòng)作慢的方法
  • 下一條:濟(jì)南水穩(wěn)料施工時(shí)注意事項(xiàng)
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