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來(lái)源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2022-05-18
Water stabilized material is mainly composed of granular material and mortar volume. A slurry mixture made of cement, lime, gypsum and other cementitious materials mixed with water, which is used for painting or joint filling. So what are the precautions for the construction of water stabilized materials in Jinan?
Selection of mixing equipment
The quality of mixing equipment directly affects the mixing quality of mixture, and the key to the quality of mixing equipment is whether to ensure the mixing proportion accuracy of aggregate, powder, water and other materials. Wbc300 stabilized soil plant mixing equipment is used in this bid section. The equipment adopts electromagnetic speed regulation system, which can better ensure the mixing ratio of various materials, uniform mixing and stable performance.
Strictly control the amount of cement
Too little cement is used, and the construction quality of cement stabilized soil can not be guaranteed; It is uneconomical to use too much, and it will increase and expand the cracks in the base course, resulting in corresponding reflection cracks in the asphalt surface course. Therefore, the cement consumption must be strictly controlled to achieve economic rationality, keep improving and ensure the project quality.
Moisture control of mixture
At the factory mixing site, full-time testers in the backyard will measure the moisture content of various aggregates in the morning, noon and afternoon respectively. According to the best moisture content index designed according to the construction mix proportion, combined with the temperature, humidity and transportation distance of the day.
This determines the amount of water to be used when mixing the mixture. The full-time tester in charge of testing the compactness in the front yard also measures the water content of the mixture in time during the paving of the formed mixture and guides the roller to roll in time. Therefore, try to roll under the condition of the best water content and avoid it as much as possible.
The phenomenon of "elasticity" and "wave" due to excessive water content, the mixture may reach density and strength, increase the dry shrinkage of the mixture, and make the structural layer prone to dry shrinkage cracks; Or due to low water content, the mixture is easy to loose and not easy to roll into shape, which also affects the possible density and strength of the mixture. Therefore, the construction quality can be guaranteed only if the construction is carried out in strict accordance with the specifications and the quality control of each construction link is strengthened.
Reduce segregation of mixture
The transportation of the mixture shall avoid vehicle collision. When the temperature is high and the transportation distance is long, the felt cloth shall be covered to prevent excessive loss of water. During paving and rolling, the paving coefficient shall be between 1.3 and 1.5. The "low without scraping" must be implemented in the construction of water stabilized materials in Jinan, and all construction projects shall be completed before the final setting time of cement. The compactness test shall be carried out immediately after rolling. If the test result does not meet the standard, it shall be rolled again.
This is the end of the explanation of the precautions for the construction of water stabilized materials in Jinan. Of course, there are many matters and details that need to be carefully operated. For more information, you can pay attention to our website guixin.net.cn com。
  • 上一條:高溫環(huán)境下壓路機(jī)的操作說(shuō)明
  • 下一條:下大雨對(duì)路面鋪水泥穩(wěn)定碎石層有影響
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