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來源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2022-05-09
  Most of the time, we will encounter the problem of weakness and slow movement of the excavator, and in many cases, the same fault phenomenon can be caused by many reasons. So let's talk about how to solve the problem that the whole excavator is weak and slow.
  We need to determine whether the engine is loaded. If the engine feels like idling without output can be directly eliminated engine factors. At this time to ensure that the first pressure of the excavator is in the standard value.
  Check the main oil pressure for each action output. Each machine tonnage pressure is not the same ha. Refer to OEM data for details. When measuring, it is recommended to follow the requirements of the manufacturer. Large throttle, strong force mode, hydraulic oil temperature and water temperature are all in the standard temperature of normal operation.
  The main pressure is enough, that is, the engine speed is normal, we are considering the hydraulic system flow problem. Flow is small, so lead to slow action, appear weak. But if the pressure is enough, we can initially rule out the problem of leakage in the main oil circuit of the hydraulic system. This is generally the control system or hydraulic pump variable mechanism stuck or variable mechanism internal leakage.
  If the feedback pressure is normal, it is a problem with the variable mechanism of the pump, which can be checked. But it's hard to do without tools. What we need to do is whether the output voltage of the solenoid valve is normal? Is the solenoid valve stuck? The main pump solenoid valve and its related circuit problems will also lead to engine slow down black smoke and other phenomena.
  Ji 'nan excavator leasing personnel think that at this time, they consider the slow action caused by internal leakage of the hydraulic system, and the phenomenon of weakness of the whole car. If the pressure is not enough for every movement in the car, we need to consider the shared system. Such as the main relief valve, unloading valve, hydraulic pump bladder plane. Of course, each hydraulic system model will have some differences.
  So although the fault is the same, but the reasons are different, so to specific problems, specific analysis. If you want to know more, please visit guixin.net.cn.
  • 上一條:濟南瀝青料拌合質(zhì)量受什么因素影響
  • 下一條:高溫環(huán)境下壓路機的操作說明
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