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來源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2022-05-05
  Asphalt is a common construction material, the use frequency is still relatively high, of course, during the construction period, certain links or processes play a role, such as asphalt mixing quality is very key, so what factors will affect it?
  The impact of raw material quality
  Soft stone and flake particles in coarse aggregate have a great influence on the quality of asphalt materials. Fine aggregate includes stone chips, artificial sand and natural sand. In general, it should be used with caution. Artificial machine-made sand is an ideal aggregate for road surface. Natural sand is usually an acidic stone with poor adhesion to asphalt. Should be used with other fine aggregate.
  Rolling quality control
  Rolling quality is directly related to rolling temperature. Because the temperature of asphalt material decreases continuously after paving, especially in 4 to 15 minutes after paving, the temperature can drop up to 1 to 5 degrees Celsius per minute, so we must grasp the timing of rolling, rolling in time. In case of low temperature, high humidity, strong wind and other climatic conditions, the effective rolling time will be shortened and the rolling difficulty will be increased. It is also important to maintain a constant rolling speed during the rolling process.
  Stirring temperature control
  Ji 'nan asphalt material temperature is too low, will affect the quality of paving and rolling, will also cause rolling difficulties. However, if the temperature is too high, it will lead to aging and hardening of asphalt, so that the performance of asphalt material becomes poor. Therefore, the mixing temperature should be strictly controlled when mixing. It is recommended that the mixing time of batch mixing equipment should be between 45 seconds and 50 seconds for each plate, and the dry mixing time should be no less than 5 seconds to 10 seconds. The asphalt material should be evenly mixed as the standard.
  Ji 'nan asphalt mixing quality by what factors? In this paper, three aspects of the impact, I hope to help your construction, more relevant content you can come to our website guixin.net.cn to consult.
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