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來源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2022-04-30
  The use of loader today can be said to be very extensive, of course, but also based on its performance advantages, so that the efficiency of the operation has been greatly improved, but we should pay attention to if you do not pay attention to maintenance will cause the service life of the machine is reduced, we will talk about the loader regular maintenance requirements and related content.
  將裝載機(jī)停放在水平地面上; 將變速桿置于空檔; 將所有輔助桿置于空檔; 應(yīng)用駐車制動器; 關(guān)閉發(fā)動機(jī); 關(guān)閉啟動開關(guān)并拔下鑰匙。
  Park the loader on the level ground; Put the gear lever in neutral; Put all auxiliary rods in neutral; Application of parking brake; Shut off the engine; Turn off the starter and remove the key.
  每10小時(shí)(或日常保養(yǎng)):繞機(jī)檢查是否有異常或漏油情況; 檢查發(fā)動機(jī)油位; 檢查液壓油箱的油位; 檢查燈光和儀表; 檢查輪胎壓力和損壞情況; 將黃油注入驅(qū)動軸和各種潤滑劑。
  Every 10 hours (or daily maintenance) : check whether there is abnormal or oil leakage around the machine; Check the engine oil level; Check the oil level of the hydraulic tank; Check lighting and instrumentation; Check tire pressure and damage; Fill the drive shaft with butter and various lubricants.
  每50小時(shí)(或一周)保養(yǎng):擰緊前后傳動軸聯(lián)軸器螺栓; 檢查變速箱油位; 檢查制動助力器油位; 檢查緊急和駐車制動器,如果不合適進(jìn)行調(diào)整; 檢查輪胎壓力和損壞情況; 潤滑前后車架鉸接點(diǎn)、后軸擺動架、中間支撐和其他軸承。 如需裝載機(jī)配件,請聯(lián)系智造大觀。
  Every 50 hours (or one week) maintenance: tightening the front and rear drive shaft coupling bolts; Check the gearbox oil level; Check the brake booster oil level; Check emergency and parking brakes and adjust if not suitable; Check tire pressure and damage; Lubricate front and rear frame hinge points, rear swing frame, intermediate support and other bearings. For high quality loader accessories, please contact smart manufacturing.
  每100小時(shí)(或半個(gè)月)保養(yǎng):清洗發(fā)動機(jī)缸蓋和扭力彎管油冷卻器; 檢查電池電量,在接縫處涂上一層薄薄的凡士林或黃油; 檢查液壓油箱的油位。
  Every 100 hours (or half a month) maintenance: cleaning engine cylinder head and torque bend oil cooler; Check the battery level and apply a thin layer of vaseline or butter to the joints; Check the oil level in the hydraulic tank.
  每250小時(shí)(或1個(gè)月)保養(yǎng):濟(jì)南裝載機(jī)租賃人員認(rèn)為應(yīng)檢查輪輞固定螺栓并擰緊扭矩; 檢查前后橋油位; 檢查工作裝置、前后車架應(yīng)力焊縫及固定螺栓有無裂紋和松動; 更換機(jī)油(取決于不同的質(zhì)量和發(fā)動機(jī)使用情況); 檢查發(fā)動機(jī)風(fēng)扇皮帶、壓縮機(jī)和發(fā)電機(jī)皮帶是否緊固和損壞。
  Every 250 hours (or 1 month) maintenance: Ji 'nan loader leasing personnel should check the rim fixing bolts and tighten torque; Check the bridge oil level before and after; Check the working device, front and rear frame stress welds and fixed bolts for cracks and looseness; Oil change (depending on different quality and engine usage); Check engine fan belts, compressor and generator belts for tightness and damage.
  In fact, there is still a lot of time to do the maintenance work, of course, we should pay attention to not excessive maintenance, otherwise it will have the opposite effect, more content to the website guixin.net.cn for consultation.
  • 上一條:濟(jì)南瀝青料在什么溫度下會發(fā)揮出好性能?
  • 下一條:濟(jì)南瀝青料拌合質(zhì)量受什么因素影響
  • 相關(guān)產(chǎn)品:


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