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來(lái)源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2023-01-11
Asphalt mixing equipment plays an important role in asphalt construction of construction projects. Whether the equipment production capacity and management are normal or not and the precautions during asphalt mixing work often have a decisive impact on the construction results of the project. Next, Jinan asphalt concrete manufacturer will tell you the precautions when mixing asphalt concrete.
Before formally mixing the finished products, in order to preheat the shell, the hot mixture shall be pre-mixed for 2 to 3 times, so that the temperature of the body and the temperature of the mixture are consistent, and then the production can be started. The mixing temperature adopts double control, and the temperature control system of the equipment shall be mutually verified with the temperature of the hand-held infrared thermometer. The material issuing sheet should have both the material issuing time and the material issuing temperature.
During the mixing process, the accuracy of the metering device should be checked frequently. Both cold and hot materials should be supplied according to the determined mix ratio. Check that the discharge temperature of the finished mixture meets the specified requirements. The mixing process shall be continuous as much as possible, and the number of stops and starts shall be reduced, because the composition of materials at the initial stage of mixing is not easy to be stable, which is easy to cause the imbalance of mixture ratio. The tester shall check the crushed stone and asphalt mixture by batch every day to ensure the production quality.
The mixture is heated with heavy oil. Before production, the heavy oil pipeline needs to be heated to prevent blocking. After ignition, when the drying drum reaches a certain temperature, the cold material conveyor and the batching feeding device can be started, and the feeding uniformity can be maintained. In order to increase production and reduce fuel consumption, all stones are put into the stone shed built by color steel to prevent rain.
Determine the mixing time. The upper layer mixture is finer than the lower layer mixture. For the uniformity of mixing, the longer the mixing time is, the better. However, the longer the mixing time is, the aging of asphalt will be caused, which should be determined by test. For the composition of different mixtures, the mixing time is also different. According to practice, the mixing time of the mixture with more fines and stone powder is relatively longer, and the mixing time of the mixture with high asphalt content can be relatively shorter.
When inspecting the finished materials, if there are gray materials, agglomerations or serious separation of coarse and fine materials, the construction shall be stopped immediately, and the batching and mixing operation shall be adjusted in time, such as increasing the heating temperature of the aggregate, increasing the mixing time, or reducing the amount of mineral powder, etc. Record the paving position stake number of each vehicle at the construction site. If there are defects after paving, notify the test personnel and asphalt mixture production personnel in time. Work together to find problems and formulate plans.
We should not only focus on internal control, starting from materials, equipment, mixing, transportation, testing, paving and rolling, but also on external control, starting from weather, water supply, power supply, supplier production plan, external environment of holidays, etc. Changes in any link may affect the construction plan. Come to our website for more relevant content http://guixin.net.cn Ask!
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