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來源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2023-01-16
Because the loader has the advantages of fast operation, high efficiency, good mobility, easy operation, etc., it has become one of the main types of machinery for earthwork construction in engineering construction. Do you know how to load and unload safely? Next, Jinan loader rental manufacturer will answer for you.
1. When the water temperature and lubricating oil temperature of the engine reach the specified value, the full load operation can be carried out. When the water temperature and oil temperature exceed 363K (90 ℃), the engine shall be stopped to find out the cause, and the operation can only be carried out when the water temperature is lower than 363K (90 ℃), otherwise the engine will be damaged.
2. It is forbidden to shovel and load goods when the front and rear car bodies form an angle. Before picking up the goods, make the front and rear car bodies form a straight line, align and close to the cargo pile, and make the bucket parallel to the ground, then pick up the goods.
3. Except bulk grain, it is not allowed to pick up goods at high speed.
4. Do not lift the bucket while driving.
5. The goods loaded by the bucket should be balanced, and the bucket is not allowed to load the goods excessively.
6. The loader is a vehicle used for loading and transporting bulk materials in short distance. It is prohibited to excavate with a bucket.
7. Before leaving the vehicle, the driver should put the bucket on the ground. It is forbidden to leave the vehicle when the bucket is suspended.
8. It is forbidden to stand under the lifted bucket or carry out maintenance work. If it is necessary to repair the vehicle when the bucket is lifted, support measures shall be taken for the bucket and ensure it is firm and reliable.
9. It is forbidden to use bucket to lift personnel to work at heights.
10. It is forbidden to shovel the materials on the ship directly on the shore of the wharf.
11. When working under the overhead pipeline, the bucket should not touch the obstacles above when lifting. When working under the high-voltage transmission line, the bucket should also keep enough safe distance from the transmission line.
12. When dumping materials for trucks, the bucket shall not touch the vehicle when overturning, and the unloading action shall be gentle. During the unloading operation, the bucket shall not touch the carriage. During the pushing or scraping operation, the operation shall be observed at any time. If the vehicle is found to be blocked, it shall be carefully operated and forced forward is not allowed.
13. After parking, put the reversing control lever in the central position and install the front and rear body safety connecting rods.
The loader is mainly used to shovel and load bulk materials such as soil, sand, lime, coal, etc., and also can perform light shoveling operations on ores, hard soil, etc. Different auxiliary working devices can also be used for bulldozer, lifting and loading and unloading of other materials such as wood. Come to us whenever you need http://guixin.net.cn Consulting Contact Leasing!
  • 上一條:瀝青混凝土在拌和工作的時候注意事項
  • 下一條:土的含水量對壓路機壓實過程的影響
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