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來(lái)源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2022-09-15
The road roller is flexible and accurate, easy to operate, and has high accuracy in leveling the site. It is suitable for building subgrade and pavement, building slopes, excavating side ditches, mixing pavement mixture, clearing snow, pushing loose materials, and maintaining earth roads and gravel roads. The road roller is widely used in the project. The following personnel from Jinan Road Roller Rental Department will explain the maintenance and inspection of the road roller.
1. Before using the roller for construction, the whole machine shall be inspected in many aspects to understand the structure of the whole roller.
2. The cutter shaft should be reviewed daily. If the groove on the shaft is grinded beyond the cutter shaft diameter of 25, it will change. In addition, the service life of the cutter shaft is the half life of the tungsten steel milling cutter. From the square area, its life, gantry milling machine 5 mm deep about 350-500 square meters. However, there are many factors that will affect the service life of the cutter shaft, so they are reviewed daily;
3. Smooth bearing grease after 4 hours of each application. Smooth fat, turning and milling drums play in all bearing grease coating;
4. The main obligation of the roller is to extend the service life of the machine better due to the long operation history and road friction of the milling cutter, bearing, washer and milling drum;
5. Check the machine with naked eyes before each operation: can all fasteners be tightened? Are there any wear or cracks on the main components? Can oil supply be realized? The bearing and cover can be reviewed;
6. Check the road roller before each operation, and the road roller can be rented, and the fasteners can be loosened locally (a loose one needs to be tightened)
7. Each time the roller is leased, the cutter shaft and bearing shall be reviewed. If there is emerging wear in the axial position, you need to change the new, changing shaft bearings at the same time.
The maintenance and inspection work of the road roller after leasing the complete machine has been explained. If you have any questions about this, you can come to our website at any time http://guixin.net.cn consulting service
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  • 下一條:如何做好攤鋪機(jī)的整平工作
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