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來(lái)源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2023-03-03
"Jinan water stabilized material" is to add a certain amount of cement into some building materials (crushed stone soil, crushed stone, etc.) (generally speaking, this amount is not as high as concrete, about 5%, and the cost is also cheaper than concrete) to achieve a certain stability effect. Generally speaking, it is used as the base course of building or pavement. It has a certain degree of strength and waterproof effect. Moreover, the stiffness is not very large and has a certain flexibility.
The mix proportion of water stabilized concrete shall be tested in the laboratory in advance to determine the cement content and the proportion of coarse and fine aggregates, as well as the large dry density. Water stabilized mixing plant can be used for mixing in large quantities.
Cement stabilized macadam uses graded macadam as aggregate, uses a certain amount of cementitious material and sufficient mortar volume to fill the gap of the aggregate, and paves and compacts according to the principle of inlaying. Its compactness is close to compactness, and its strength mainly depends on the principle of inlaying and locking between crushed stones, and there is enough mortar volume to fill the gap of aggregate.
Its initial strength is high, and its strength increases with age and quickly forms a plate, so it has high strength, good permeability and frost resistance. The dosage of cement stabilized by water is generally 3%~6% of the mixture, and the unconfined compressive strength in 7 days can reach 1.5~4.0 mpa, which is higher than other subgrade materials. After water stabilization, it is not muddy in the rain and has a solid surface. It is an ideal base material for high-grade pavement.
According to the Technical Specifications for Construction of Highway Pavement Base Course issued by the Ministry of Communications, the cement stabilized macadam used in the road belongs to medium-grained soil. Because the cement and other cementitious materials are contained in the water stabilized macadam, the whole construction process is required to be completed before the final setting of the cement and meet the quality standards at one time, otherwise it is not easy to repair.
Therefore, during the construction, it is required to strengthen the construction organization design and plan management, increase the sense of urgency and responsibility of the on-site construction personnel, speed up the construction progress, increase the degree of mechanized construction, and improve the mechanical efficiency. The construction method of water stabilization is also in line with the development direction of modern large-scale mechanization, so the application of water stabilization in highway engineering will be rapidly promoted. Come to us if you need http://guixin.net.cn Ask.
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