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來源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2023-01-28
Jinan water stabilized concrete is not only the need to ensure the strength of cement stabilized crushed stone (gravel), but also the measure to reduce and avoid dry shrinkage cracks. Therefore, after each section of subbase is rolled and passes the compactness test, the curing should be started immediately. The curing should be covered with impermeable film, wet sand, straw bag, cotton blanket, and watered for moisturizing.
After the base course is completed, it shall be timely delivered to the pavement construction unit for asphalt lotion curing to avoid long-term exposure of the base course. The curing period should not be less than 7 days, and the traffic should be closed. Except for the watering vehicles, other vehicles are not allowed to pass. During the winter of the base course, the thermal insulation measures shall be taken to prevent the base course from cracking or surface damage. The measures of first laying plastic film and then covering clay can be taken to reduce and avoid temperature shrinkage cracks caused by excessive temperature difference.
After paving the water stabilized concrete, when the water content of the water stabilized concrete is equal to or slightly greater than the optimum water content, the light roller shall be used in time according to the rolling process determined in the test section, and the roller above 20T shall be used for rolling within the full width of the structural layer. The length of the rolling section is determined according to the length determined by the test section and the temperature. When the temperature is high, the water evaporates quickly and the length of the rolling section is shortened. On the contrary, the length of the rolling section can be appropriately extended, preferably 40-50 meters. If it is too short, it is easy to cause poor flatness.
Rolling method: the initial rolling shall be carried out by rubber wheel roller or steel wheel roller for 1-2 times, the re-rolling shall be carried out by vibratory roller with weak vibration strength for 2-4 times, the final rolling shall be carried out by steel wheel roller or rubber wheel roller for 1-2 times, the initial and final rolling speed shall be 1.5-1.7Km/h, the re-rolling speed shall be 2.0-2.5km/h, the straight line and the flat curve section without superelevation shall be rolled from the shoulders on both sides to the road center, and the flat curve section with superelevation shall be set, Rolling shall be carried out from the inner shoulder to the outer shoulder.
When rolling, the wheel track shall overlap 1/2 wheel width. The joints of the two adjacent sections shall be staggered into a 45 ° transverse stepped rolling. It is strictly prohibited for the roller to "turn around" and brake sharply on the road section that has been completed or is being rolled. From mixing to rolling, it shall be controlled within 2h in principle. If you have any questions or needs about this product, please come to our website at any time http://guixin.net.cn Consulting!
  • 上一條:土的含水量對(duì)壓路機(jī)壓實(shí)過程的影響
  • 下一條:提高路面機(jī)械設(shè)備工作穩(wěn)定性的措施
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