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來(lái)源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2022-10-26
Cement stabilized macadam is a kind of stable material, which is widely used in roads. It mixes, spreads and compacts ordinary building materials such as crushed stone, cement and stone chips to form a pavement base. Jinan cement stabilized crushed stone has the advantages of slab, water stability and frost resistance, and is often used in the road base.
The compactness of cement stabilized macadam is close to the compactness, and sufficient mortar is required to fill the gap between aggregates. The strength of this material mainly depends on the squeezing and locking between the crushed stones. The strength is very high when just formed. With the accumulation of time, this material will form a plate. Therefore, the strength, impermeability and frost resistance of this material are very good.
The base course material of cement stabilized macadam is semi-rigid, which is generally below the asphalt layer and serves as the lower bearing layer of the asphalt surface layer. When vehicles and pedestrians pass through, the cement stabilized macadam base course serves as the vertical load carrier of the asphalt surface layer. Importantly, this layer can evenly distribute the load in the subgrade.
As the cement stabilized macadam base is the main bearing layer of asphalt pavement, it is necessary to stabilize and support the asphalt pavement throughout the road. Therefore, the construction quality of this layer will directly affect the service performance and service life of the asphalt layer. In the process of road construction, the research on cement stabilized macadam technology should be strengthened.
During the construction of cement stabilized macadam, it is necessary to ensure the stability and good performance of raw materials, processing and macadam construction in accordance with relevant regulations. With the development of the times, cement stabilized macadam will also develop towards modernization, mechanization and scale. For more information, please come to our website http://guixin.net.cn Consult!
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