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來源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2022-05-27
With the development of the excavator industry, there are many excavator manufacturers that can be selected. You also need to know the precautions when purchasing excavators. What should be paid attention to when leasing excavators in enterprises?
1、 Excavator leasing should pay attention to the leasing environment around you
We should also be proactive. We should not just see the current booming scene without paying attention to the future market. As a long-term investment project, excavators should not blindly follow the trend.
2、 Purchase of excavator brand
1: In the case of rich funds, the recommended quality is very good. I don't disapprove of buying cheap ones. Although the machinery is a little expensive, it is really durable.
2: Attention should be paid to the brand of excavator leasing. If you can buy machinery for long-term supply to mines and other harsh environments, it is recommended to buy Changan pangolin brand, which is engaged in the R & D and manufacturing of engineering machinery for a long time. The quality and after-sales of excavator are no problem.
3、 Purchase of excavator tonnage
1: If the leasing object is mainly a large earthwork project, it is recommended to purchase excavators with a capacity of more than 30 tons. This kind of machinery has a large bucket capacity and can load excavators and dump earthwork quickly.
2: If the leasing object is mainly the construction site and road construction, it is recommended to purchase excavators of less than 30 tons and more than 20 tons. This kind of machinery has moderate bucket capacity, small excavator body, convenient transfer, and strong adaptability. It can be competent regardless of the amount of earthwork.
3: If the leasing object is mainly municipal construction and urban construction, it is recommended to purchase excavators below 10 tons. Such excavators have low fuel consumption, small excavation body and convenient transportation.

4、 Preparation before excavator purchase
1: After you have determined the excavator brand, you can go to the exhibition site to select the excavator. When renting an excavator, you should pay attention to the information on the nameplate for comparison.
2: Jinan excavator leasing personnel remind you that the preparation of materials is very important. If you buy an excavator with a loan, you need to issue ① ID card ② household register ③ marriage certificate (if you are unmarried, you can issue an unmarried certificate at the local police station); ④ asset Certificate (if you really don't have one, you can consider increasing the down payment); ⑤ income certificate (if you really don't have one, you can use the ideal method); if you buy the excavator with full payment, you only need to issue an ID card and household register.
The above are the precautions for excavator leasing. Now there are many excavator manufacturers that can be selected in the industry. When you choose, compare several more. If you want to know more about construction machinery, please call us. This website is www.ycgjglcl Com staff to serve you wholeheartedly!
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