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來源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2022-04-26
  The use environment of road machinery and equipment is usually not very good, so we should pay more attention to some matters during the use, as well as the emergence of some problems. Recently, some users reported that the equipment will appear sand leakage phenomenon, how to deal with it?
  The phenomenon of sand leakage occurred when the road machinery equipment was just running. Check whether the opening of directional sleeve of equipment is correctly installed and the opening Angle is 45°。 Whether the motor wiring is connected in the wrong direction, the correct steering should be from inside to outside rotation.
  Road mechanical equipment sand leakage area is large, but very uniform, similar to flat spread on the road. Check the dust collector, it may be that the dust collector wiring is reversed, resulting in dust collector can not work normally; Check whether the ash hopper of the device has not been cleaned for a long time. As a result, the ash hopper is full and the device cannot work properly.
  Ji 'nan road machinery and equipment leakage sand on both sides, shown as strips. Check whether the bin cover is well covered, and then check the throw, throw the ground clearance is too high, the normal situation should be kept at 1 cm. In addition to the above situation, if other sand leakage phenomenon occurs or cannot be solved, check whether the vent of the dust collector is opened.
  In addition, if you want to buy road machinery equipment, you can go to see how its related parts are in the end, if the parts are relatively high quality and the efficiency is relatively high in the process of practical application, it can meet our requirements, if its efficiency is relatively low, this is not considered.
  Ji 'nan road machinery and equipment produced sand leakage problem how to deal with? The above explains the problem from three aspects, if you want to use better, it is necessary to learn more about the issues and problems in the ordinary. More content to the website guixin.net.cn consultation!
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