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來源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2022-04-21
  All construction needs to pay attention to some points, so as to make the project go on smoothly and good quality, there will be no big problems, the construction of asphalt concrete will naturally be so, so good construction materials can not be used in disorder, then we come to understand the mix of asphalt concrete construction.
  Asphalt concrete has good road performance, under the action of different temperatures and external environment, its high temperature stability, water damage resistance and durability are very good, and the asphalt film is not deformed, not peeling, and the base bond. Sex is good. Bright and durable color, colorfast and easy to maintain. With strong sound-absorbing function, when the tire is rolling at high speed on the road, it will not produce strong noise due to air compression, and it can absorb other noises from the outside world.
  Ji 'nan asphalt concrete production, to avoid the pollution of the surrounding environment, and according to the amount of asphalt into the site to add admixture, ensure that the amount of admixture to meet the design requirements of mix ratio. In the mixing process, various parameters such as the amount of material, concrete mixing amount and mixing temperature measured by each sensor should be collected and printed one by one. At the end of each shift, the statistical data of each shift will be printed, and the quality of concrete production and the thickness of paving will be fully checked. When abnormal fluctuation occurs in the full inspection data, the production shall be stopped immediately and the reasons shall be analyzed.
  Concrete mixing should ensure that the asphalt binder before the ore powder into the mixing bin, concrete mixing time determined by the test, so that the mixture mixing evenly, no white material. During construction, samples must be taken for mixed inspection at least twice each working day. The mixer shall be equipped with a finished product storage bin with good insulation performance. In the storage process, the temperature drop of the mixture shall not exceed 10℃, and no asphalt shall drop. The storage time of ordinary concrete should not exceed 72h; The storage time of modified concrete should not exceed 24h.
  Ji 'nan asphalt concrete construction mix how? The above is the asphalt concrete construction mixing points, so in order to better use the material for construction, you need to pay more attention to the points, try to trap the problem in the cradle. For more information, please visit guixin.net.cn.
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