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來源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2022-04-02
  Road machinery and equipment work very frequently in the construction environment, which also shows that if the use of a long time should appear all kinds of problems, with the increase of maintenance frequency, then ji 'nan road machinery and equipment to reduce the maintenance frequency to do?
  After purchasing jinan road machinery and equipment, operators should accept the training and leadership of the manufacturer, have a full understanding of the structure and performance of the machine, and obtain certain operation and maintenance experience before operating the machine. The product protection manual provided by the manufacturer is the necessary information for the operator to operate the equipment. Before operating the machine, the operator should read the protection manual and operate and maintain the equipment according to the requirements of the manual.
  Pay attention to the workload during the run-in period. Generally speaking, the workload in the run-in period should not exceed 80% of the rated workload. Appropriate workload should be allocated to prevent overheating caused by continuous operation of the machine for a long time. Pay attention to check the operation of each instrument frequently. If there is any abnormality, stop the machine in time to eliminate it, and terminate the operation before finding out the cause and troubleshooting.
  Check the liquid level and quality of lubricating oil, hydraulic oil, coolant, brake fluid and fuel (water) regularly, and check the sealing performance of the whole machine. When the inspection found that lack of oil and water too much, should analyze the cause. At the same time, the lubrication of each lubrication point should be strengthened. It is recommended to add grease to the lubrication point of each shift during the running-in period (except for special requirements).
  Keep ji 'nan road machinery and equipment machine clean, timely adjustment and fastening loose parts, to prevent wear or loss of parts due to loosening. When the run-in period stops, maintenance should be compulsory, and inspection and adjustment work should be done. Also, pay attention to oil change.
  The use and maintenance requirements of road machinery and equipment in the run-in period can be summarized as: strengthening training, reducing load, paying attention to inspection and strengthening lubrication. As long as you pay attention to and implement the maintenance of machinery in the run-in period, it will reduce the occurrence of early failures, prolong service life, improve work efficiency, the machine will bring you more benefits.
  In general, it is the ordinary use of equipment work, the need to maintain it, in order to slowly reduce the frequency of maintenance, after all, the number of maintenance of the machine will be reduced accordingly. So more content you come to our website http://guixin.net.cn consultation.
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