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來源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2022-03-17
Spring: to prevent frost heaving caused by the occurrence of pavement structure, where there are water marks on the surface of the pavement, it is necessary to dig a drainage seepage ditch at the shoulder subgrade slope to drain the rainwater accumulated in winter out of the structure. The colored asphalt pavement can also be covered with dry soil. On the one hand, the dry soil can absorb the water in the pavement structure, on the other hand, it can also slow down the transmission speed of heat along the pavement structure, slow the melting of frozen water in the pavement structure, and gradually soak into the drainage ditch by itself, so as to prevent the dissolution of pavement structure.
Summer: when the temperature is high, the colored asphalt pavement is very easy to age, making the pavement wavy. In this case, watering and cooling measures can be taken. Watering is usually stopped at about 2 p.m. the amount of water should not be too large. It is appropriate to be wet and wet. It can be sprinkled twice more, but it can not form Road area water and affect traffic safety.
Autumn: it is necessary to guide and discharge the accumulated water in the side ditch along the highway to prevent these accumulated water from becoming the supply source of frozen capillary water in the pavement structure in winter. Pavement drainage shall be done well in summer to prevent damage caused by wet working condition of colored asphalt pavement structure.
Autumn: it is necessary to guide and discharge the accumulated water in the side ditch along the highway to prevent these accumulated water from becoming the supply source of frozen capillary water in the pavement structure in winter. Pavement drainage shall be done well in summer to prevent damage caused by wet working condition of colored asphalt pavement structure.
Winter: clean the vertical and horizontal cracks, heat the joint wall with liquefied gas to the viscous state, then spray asphalt or asphalt mortar (emulsified asphalt should be sprayed in the low-temperature wet season) into the joint, and then evenly sprinkle a layer of 2 ~ 5mm dry and clean stone chips or coarse sand for maintenance, and then roll the mineral aggregate with a light roller. If it is a small crack, stop widening with a disc milling cutter in advance, and then handle it according to the above method, and brush a small amount of asphalt with low consistency along the crack.
  • 上一條:公路施工材料
  • 下一條:六個壓路機(jī)必看的知識點(diǎn)
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