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來(lái)源:http://guixin.net.cn/ 日期:2022-12-14
During the driving process of the loader, if the gearbox "jumps", the Jinan loader rental manufacturer reminds you to stop the machine (or continue driving) in a timely manner, then find out the cause and remove the fault. The actual method is:
(1) When driving on a gentle road, if "shifting" happens occasionally, the machine can be stopped according to the general stopping method, and the cause can be carefully investigated to eliminate the fault.
(2) When "shifting" occurs when driving uphill, the gear can be set at low speed or first gear, and the standby unit will stop when it reaches the top of the slope to eliminate the fault. "If the downshift fails or occurs again", stop according to the key points and requirements of the slope when "shifting" to remove the fault.
(3) In case of "gear shifting" when driving downhill, the gear shall be set to the high gear according to the action point of upshift, or "gear holding" measures (emergency downshift) shall be taken, and the standby device shall be driven to the bottom of the slope again to stop for inspection and troubleshooting;
If "shifting" or "grabbing" is unsuccessful or "shifting" occurs again (it is neutral at this time), the driver can control the engine speed at medium speed (to prevent the engine from stalling). Use the "spot braking" method to operate the machine to slide to the bottom of the slope, and then perform troubleshooting.
If "shifting", "blocking" is not successful or "jumping" occurs again (it is neutral at this time), and the machine lowers a large ramp (the machine will move to the bottom of the slope at a very fast speed) ", you should stop quickly according to the downhill parking action and requirements, and then troubleshoot.
This is the end of the relevant answers to the emergency mode of the gearbox "jumping" when the loader is running. You should check and clean it in time during normal use. More notes on our website http://guixin.net.cn consulting service
  • 上一條:路面機(jī)械設(shè)備出庫(kù)后的修理保養(yǎng)
  • 下一條:加纖維瀝青混凝土的拌和要求
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